This is the Supreme Place where reality and illusion ultimately merge after override each other without ever prevailing over each other in the mad rush towards the goal of absolute knowledge. - [Kiss the Sphinx]

Saturday, January 01, 2022

Least Resistance

A man ought not to be led into trading by tokens. He should wait until the tape tells him that the time is ripe. As a matter of fact, millions upon millions of dollars have been lost by men who bought stocks because they looked cheap or sold them because they looked dear. The speculator is not an investor. His object is not to secure a steady return on his money at a good rate of interest, but to profit by either a rise or a fall in the price of whatever he may be speculating in. Therefore the thing to determine is the speculative line of least resistance at the moment of trading; and what he should wait for is the moment when that line defines itself, because that is his signal to get busy.

[Reminescences of a stock operator, Edwin LeFevre]

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